We’re working on an online renewal option, but for now the paper form is available.

The Southern Appalachia Railway Museum (SARM) was incorporated in May of 1990 by a small group of people who wanted to preserve the region's railroad history. We wanted to be able to collect regional railroad equipment, artifacts, and data that would assist us in achieving that goal. SARM felt that railroad equipment restoration should be done to operating condition while maintaining the original appearance as much as possible. Basically, our equipment should look and operate as they did in service.

SARM has many ongoing projects: rebuilding our rolling stock, fund raising, sales, ticket office, data cataloging, computer work, souvenir design and sales are just a few of the things with which we always need assistance. Or, you can just provide moral support. Our membership is a diverse group of all ages, backgrounds and both genders. If SARM sounds like your kind of railroad museum then please join, we would love to have you aboard! Membership helps cover you when working on equipment. Here are the details on the various classes of membership and how to join:

  1. Regular Membership - Any person of good character interested in the railroad hobby and the purpose of this museum, shall be eligible for regular membership. Annual dues for this class of membership are $30.

  2. Youth Membership - For individuals under 18 years of age. Annual dues for this class of membership are $20.

  3. Family Membership - To encourage participation in the activities of the museum we offer Family Memberships for up to 2 adults and 2 children. Family members have all the rights and privileges of a regular member. Annual dues for this class of membership are $75.

  4. Lifetime Membership - Any person, regardless of age, can become a lifetime member of this museum. Lifetime members have all of the rights and privileges of a regular member for the full extent of their natural life. Dues for this class of membership are $450.

  5. Lifetime Family Membership - Covers 2 adults for their natural lifetimes. Each membership has one voting privilege. Dues for this class of membership are $600.

Please fill out a membership application (available here and return it along with the dues for the class of membership desired to: SARM, P.O. Box 6756, Oak Ridge, Tennessee, 37831.

Contact the museum at P.O. Box 6756, Oak Ridge, Tennessee, 37831, or call the museum at (865) 405-3672 for more information.